Thursday, March 31, 2011

I love my job, do I?

Hahaha, takde pape laa. Hari nie aku penat skit...

Today I attend 2 site visit. And I always make sure everything complete before I go. I make sure the location, time, maps, everythings! But, this time, there's a virus called 'LAZY' and got infected by it. I didn't prepare anything untill the very last 60 second, I just print the location maps. That's all...

So, I start my CE engine sharp 9 am, with my patner at passanger seat. I drove like usual, without using my gps as a guide (LAZY virus!). Around 10 am we arrive at the 1st location, Nilai. No body there! I take a look at the invitation, Nilai 10.00 pagi. Rembau 2.30 petang. I look at my patner, then he make a phone call. Yup, there a changes at the schedule, Rembau 11.00 pagi, Nilai 2.30 petang. CRAP! I got 1 hour to be at the site, turn on my gps, take the old road to Seremban and take the Highway to Pedas Exit 160km/h. Ngam Ngam! 11.00 am at site...

I left my bag in the car. Meeting start without me taking any note! 12++ meeting ended, I drove slowly to Nilai, nothing to rush. Pit Stop at Leman Dawi Cendol, pay once eat many many... can tambah free! 2.00pm at rembau, take lunch. 2.30pm 2nd site meeting... very very tired, very very lazy!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

There's a time when I lost hope...

Can't remember when did I apply it... It's a long-long time ago. Can't remember how many time I'm cursing b'coz of the slow internet speed. But yesterday, all my trouble seem so far away... Ceeewah! Unify in da house! Welcome high speed broadband, 5Mb/s... tu dia!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Self Motivation - Kiss My Ass!

When to the New Launch Carrefour yesterday, just looking around, you know, window shopping and stuff. Then there was a hand phone booth, so I was thinking, perhaps if I buy something for my self as New Year Present, might boost my 'karma'. Uh Huh! Some sort like self motivation thing. So, talked to my wife that I wanna buy a new Hand Phone while she eating a piece of chicken chop at Mama Chop Papa Grill (or Mama Grill Papa Chop, seriously, can't remember the name). No a good respond from her, maybe the chicken take all the attention, hmm...

So, I decided to buy a phone that can support 2 sim card at a time (tired of carrying 2 hand phone all the time, 1 for general use, 1 for... hehehe!). Cheap but reliable. The perfect phone a that time is CSL (they claim it was Malaysia product, but I think the factory just a dummy). And I bought the latest model G10. Happy, happy, happy all the way back home...

But today (this is the moment where they called self realisation), for more of half decade I being using Sony Ericsson, no other brand, why yesterday I broke a promise to my self, tainted my ear,eyes and hand, buying other brand?! Un-Acceptable! There's a reason why I never use other brand, but right now I'm a bit mAd, so other time I write a bit history about me and hand phone.

It was a great phone, no doubt. Support 2 sim card, wifi, 3g, got everything in it.

I wanna let it go just for RM450

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Merry New Year! Welcome 2011...

Yeah!!! Welcome 2011. Bubye 2010. May this year better than last year, a LOT better. Seriously, need to do something to improve my life style. Want more money! Want more power! Want more popular and famous! Want everybody love me, especially chicks! I am no celebrity, please. But I want fame. Like Superman, or Batman, perhaps Cicak Man (worst case! ahaks, not that desperate okay).

So, what to do? What to do? C'mon, sit back, rileks, and enjoy the journey. Something grand will happen this year, I can feel it, I can smell it, I can sense it... beep! beep! beep!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why it's hard to get a job?

I am really mad, disappointed, and pity to our generation, especially to those who claim no job for them.

To be frank, you are just a FAT LAZY! There is an opening for a clerk at my company and I were assigned to handle it. I published the vacancy on Internet, and a lot submit CV to me. Quite happy with the feedback with thinking that I were able to contribute a little to the community. From a lot of CV, I shortlisted until 15 candidate. I called to arrange interview, send invitation and everything. Only 10 candidates confirm to attend. And when the day arrive, only 2 person comes. WTH!!!

Seriously, I can't accept this kind of attitude. No wonder you guys or girls can't get job. This is sux! I hate this feeling, knowing the truth that our generation have this kind of attitude. Why can you just make a courtesy call, tell me that you can't come so I can arrange something for others. For 2 whole day I wait for nothing, ok fine, 2 person come, but still...!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My english getting worst! Argh!

Sejak balik Msia nie, n bila dah jarang buat assignment, makin teruk writing skill. nak carik alasan, kerja laa, masa takde laa, bla la la...

Tapi tu laa, bila aku writing dlm english, mula laa yg kata berlagak laa, mcm terrer sgt laa, semua la la la. aku ingat aku sorg aje yg suka duk kat la la land. rupanya ramai lagi, heh. dunia, dunia... aku buat blog ni pun bkn nak bagi org baca sgt. cuma kadang2 ader laa benda yg aku tak puas hati ker, nak cakap kat org tpi bukan org nak dengar. zaman skrg ni mungkin org suka mambaca kot. PM ckp org msia tak suka membaca, tapi aku tgk rancak gak org main FB. FB bkn kene mambaca ker...

Ahh, where's the good old days when people chatting using mouth, not finger. That why skrg nih ramai yg ader masalah dgn skill berkomunikasi. Bila kita berinteraksi dgn org, bukan guna mulut ajer. Mata kita pun ader function gak. Bahasa tubuh, you know, body language! Nada - tone of voice. Semua main peranan. Dari situ kita boleh baca samada dia tipu ker, dia ikhlas ker. That's why skrg nie ramai sgt yg kene tipu, samada secara terang-terangan atau gelap-gelapan, boleh gitu!

But seriously, communication skills sgt penting. Dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Just imagine, interview kerja camana? Nak ngorat aweks camana? Nak ngorat mak aweks camana? Nie baru sikit yg aku boleh fikir. Nak minta member blanja makan pun kene ader skill gak. Takkan lepas nie bwk laptop ke hulu ke hilir. mana yg mampu tu boleh laa pakai pda. hish...

Papehal, aku tgh tension sbb writing aku dah teruk bangat. Ckp BI pun dah tak lancar. Bukan aku bangga sangat dgn bahasa penjajah nie, cuma kalu kita nak takluk sesebuah negara, 1st kita kene blaja dan tau berbahasa dia dulu. Skrg ni ilmu diorg hebat. So, camana aku nak tau kalo tak pandai BI.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Baby Step, TM UniFi

Yup, congratulation and many thanks to TM (Telekom Malaysia) for their afford, or they should take this action long time ago, provide the best internet services to us Malaysia citizen.

From Dial-Up, to Streamyx. And now, UniFi. I can bet it's the highest speed broadband (within Malaysia only, ops!) nowadays. They offer 3 package base on the speed, VIP5 for 5Mbps dl & ul, VIP10 for 10Mbps, and VIP20 for... You know...

The package incl. IPTV, wow!, and tel line. Hmm, their tv channels still not attractive, but... Ehem! When the contract between HBO and Astro gonna end? Ehem again!

So, my astro bil only RM70 something. I using P1 Wimax, around RM99 something I think. I don't have tel line at home. VIP5 only cost me RM149. If I throw away my astro and wimax... Hahaha! Think for yourself -- Lu fikir laa sendiri.

Then, try to have a look at:

or visit the nearest tm point.